We dove into the depths of Instagram and resurfaced with some highly inspirational sources every designer should be know. Check out these extremely stalk-worthy accounts.
When it comes to seeing and being seen, Instagram is still one of the best platforms on the web. Whether it’s for your daily dose of inspiration or for learning specific design techniques, Instagram has a lot to offer. And because we also get lost in the infinite scrolling of posts from time to time, we’ve compiled some of the best accounts out there. We’ve brought together inspo across a wide range of topics: impressive fonts, illustrations, inspiring artwork, and insights into the work of our most successful Spreadshirt designers.
Got the perfect thing to say? Then use the perfect font!

Text designs are an all-time favorite on shirts and sweaters. A carefully thought-out and skillfully applied font brings your message out big. Whether it’s a witty saying, a quote, or just a single word – it’s not that easy to find the right font.
These accounts will give you the help you need:
- Gia Graham: https://www.instagram.com/iamgiagraham/
- The Daily Type: https://www.instagram.com/thedailytype/
- Typespire: https://www.instagram.com/typespire/
- Goodtype: https://www.instagram.com/goodtype/
- Letterbug London: https://www.instagram.com/theletterbuglondon/
- Matthew Tapia: https://www.instagram.com/matthewtapia/
- Erik Marinovich: https://www.instagram.com/erikmarinovich/
- Typetopia: https://www.instagram.com/typetopia/
- Type gear: https://www.instagram.com/type.gang/
- TY&CA: https://www.instagram.com/typography_and_calligraphy/
Excellent idea: Illustrations
Good illustrations often convey several messages at once. They can take us to distant worlds that sparkle with imagination, or they can point out the smallest details of everyday life that otherwise escape our notice. Layout, arrangement, color scheme, and design play an essential role in making illustrations come to life. The possibilities of illustrations on paper or on the screen are virtually endless: analog or digital, in color or black and white, minimalist or… Illustrations offer a versatile and universal design tool.
Check it out for yourself:
- James Wite: https://www.instagram.com/signalnoise/
- Carlotta Notoro: https://www.instagram.com/carlotta_notaro/
- Natalie Byrne: https://www.instagram.com/nataliebyrne/
- Takashi Murakami: https://www.instagram.com/takashipom/
- Joan Cornella: https://www.instagram.com/sirjoancornella/
- Christoph Niemann: https://www.instagram.com/abstractsunday/
- Jean Jullien: https://www.instagram.com/jean_jullien/
- Carolyn Gavin: https://www.instagram.com/carolynj/
- Petra Erikson: https://www.instagram.com/petraerikssonstudio/
- Adelina Lirius: https://www.instagram.com/adelinaillustration/
Inspiring Art

Why not check out what other artists have to offer? If you can’t make it to the museum right now, Instagram is a pocket-sized alternative. Paintings, sculptures, installations, and street art will spark your imagination and give you plenty of inspiration for your own ideas. What do the artists want to say with their work? What materials do they use? What inspires them and how do they create their greatest works of art?
Sit back and marvel:
- Banksy: https://www.instagram.com/banksy/
- Beeple: https://www.instagram.com/beeple_crap/
- Kaws: https://www.instagram.com/kaws/
- JR: https://www.instagram.com/jr/
- Shepard Fairey: https://www.instagram.com/obeygiant/
- Andreas Wannerstedt: https://www.instagram.com/wannerstedt/
- Felipe Pantone: https://www.instagram.com/felipepantone/
- D-Face: https://www.instagram.com/dface_official/
- Colossal: https://www.instagram.com/colossal/
- Artobserved: https://www.instagram.com/artobserved/
You don’t have to look far for inspiration – Spreadshirt designers are right here
We’ve seen a lot of beautiful things on Instagram, but our community is also full of talent; sometimes the greatest inspiration is closer than you think. The different styles of our designers could fill many a blog article, but to get you started we’ve put together a few of our favorite insta accounts.
Get to know our talented designers:
- Christoph Kadur: https://www.instagram.com/christophkadur/
- TheHolle: https://www.instagram.com/derholle/
- Nourfy: https://www.instagram.com/nour.fy/
- Beach shell: https://www.instagram.com/hinter_dem_mond_shop/
- Monsieur Mouton: https://www.instagram.com/MsieurMouton/
- Tolestyle: https://www.instagram.com/tolestyle_shop/
- Atreh: https://www.instagram.com/ajato42/
- Jo Smile: https://www.instagram.com/jo.smile.ing/
- Lalingla: https://www.instagram.com/Lalingla_/
- Loute Crea: https://www.instagram.com/loutecrea/
That was a lot of inspiration! Still need more ideas? Then check out our another article on the best community platforms for designers for you.
What are your favorite inspiring Instagram accounts? Tell us in the comments.
The post Top Instagram Accounts Designers Should Follow appeared first on The US Spreadshirt Blog.